Data Labeling for Manufacturing & Construction

Manufacturing & Construction AI at Work

Machine learning is transforming manufacturing and construction workplaces, enabling companies to operate more safely and efficiently than ever before. The foundation of these AI-powered advances is data labeling, which allows companies to train computer vision models to identify hazards, safety noncompliance, and assembly errors. Global manufacturing companies turn to Alegion to provide the high quality training data they need to maximize their production and streamline operations.


We help launch machine learning initiatives by training models to recognize important objects, subjects, and patterns. For one use case, Alegion provided training data that labeled 17 skeletal key points of a person on the automotive manufacturing floor. Alegion’s data labeling strategy and software was able to increase the customer’s model accuracy by 70%, augmenting the model’s human pose public dataset and capturing the complexity of an automotive manufacturing environment.

See Our Annotation Solutions for Manufacturing & Construction